1. General - Interactables

Updated 6 months ago
  • (RiskyTweaks) Blood Shrine

    • Now drops a minimum of 1 chest per 50% HP sacrificed.
  • (RiskyTweaks) Mountain Shrine

    • Director cost increased by +50% per player.
    • Capped to 5 per stage. (Configurable)

    Spawn cap is mainly geared towards large lobbies, where the amount of drops can quickly get laggy and unmanageable.

  • (RiskyTweaks) Combat Shrine

    • Gold rewards reduced by 66%, now drops items for the team on completion.
      • Does not apply to Defiant Gouge and items that allow the shrine to be reused.
    • Director cost increased by +50% per player.
    • Capped to 3 per stage. (Configurable)

    Aimed to encourage players to actually interact and group up when these show up, rather than passively hitting them and running away.

  • Void Seed

    • Limit per stage reduced from 3 -> 1 (Configurable)